Termos do Serviço

General provisions
All content published on the www.media365.com website and the Media365 Book Reader (Android) mobile application, collectively referred to as the Service, incl. design and interface elements (text, graphics, scripts, applications, sounds), literary works and other objects (the Content) is exclusive property of Mobile Systems Ltd. and the users of the Service, authors of literary works and other rights holders. All rights for these objects are reserved.

No Content may be copied (reproduced), processed, distributed, represented, published, downloaded, transferred, sold or in any other way used, either in full or in part, without a prior written consent of the rights holder, except when the rights holder has expressly indicated that they agree that the Content can be freely used by any person.

When you publish Content that you legally own at the Service, you provide other users with a non-exclusive right to use the Content by reproducing and reading it, solely for private and non-commercial purposes, except for the cases when such use infringes or can infringe legally protected interests of the rights holder.

Content published on the Service is intended for private and non-commercial use may be used subject to preserving all copyright images or other notification of authorship, preserving also the name of the author and the Content unchanged.

You are not allowed to upload any Content from other websites, databases, other intellectual property if you do not own the rights for such use of the Content or do not have an explicit consent of the rights holder to such actions.

Any use of Content beyond private non-commercial use, without prior written consent of the rights holder, is strictly prohibited.

Copyright protection, working with authors and rights holders
Our aim is to fully comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and all other current copyright protecting laws. We shall immediately remove illegal content upon receiving a relevant takedown notice. We respect the rights of the rights holders and publishers and focus on developing lawful services to receive proceeds from the Content at the Service.

If any Content published on the Service infringes copyright or rights of any other rights holders, we hereby confirm our readiness to remove such Content or temporarily disable access thereto at a grounded request of a person whose copyright or any other rights are infringed by such publication.

If you identify that a Content published on the Media365 platform is infringing copyrights or other rights of a third party, please send content takedown notice at info@media365.com.

Takedown notices shall be deemed grounded if it contains the following:

  • name of the Content and/ir URL of the Content on the Service;
  • jurisdiction of the copyright or other intellectual property rights;
  • indication of precise rights infringed and the manner of infringement;
  • contact details of the complaining party, so we could contact you back;
  • а statement that Content published on the Service infringes copyright or any other intellectual property rights;
  • a statement that publishing of that Content protected by copyright law on the Service is not authorized by the copyright owner (or a third party competent to make such decisions on behalf of the rights holder) or is against applicable law;
  • a statement that the information in the notice is accurate, and that the complaining party has the copyright or other intellectual property rights to the content in question;
Upon receipt of such notice, we will within 5 (five) working days either remove or disable access to the content in question, or, where the information provided in the notice is not sufficient or where there are doubts as to the powers of the complaining party, contact the complaining party for more information.

Liability for infringement of copyright
You, as a user, bear full liability for any Content or any other information you upload or in any other way make public on or by means of the Service. You must not upload, transfer or publish on the Service any Content if you do not have the rights for such actions either purchased or transferred to you in accordance with the applicable law.

When you publish Content on the Service through the user interface, we will not conduct checks if such content and the grounds for publishing thereof comply with the our Terms of Service and Content Guidelines before the Content is made public. However, we reserve the right to assess the Content and remove, move or restrict access to it, without notice, at its discretion, for any ground or without a ground, where we believe that the essence or the very posting of the Content on the Service constitutes a violation of the Terms of Service and Content Guidelines, any applicable law, or rights and legal interests of a third party.

Links to any websites, products, services, commercial or non-commercial information on the Service shall not be relied on as an approval or advice.

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