Norvell - Universal Secrets of Telecosmic Power
Universal Secrets of Telecosmic Power
Unlock the mysteries of psychic control and create miracles of riches, love, success, health and happiness in your life!
Norvell, David De Angelis
There is a miracle-working power in the universe which you may tap, and it can bring you the fulfillment of your every dream. This Cosmic POWER is a universal intelligence that flows in invisible wavelengths among all the elements of creation. Just as wavelengths exist which bring us radio and television sounds and pictures, so too, this cosmic intelligence works throughout the universe, producing its miracles of creation. THE POWER OF COSMIC TELEPATHY can open your way to a successful future. Do you want to know the 11 vital essentials that can turn you into a winner every time? Would you like to be an artist, writer, composer, dancer, or own your own business? Do you long to travel but always find yourself short of time and money? Are you dissatisfied with your life and only wish you could find your perfect destiny? Then this is the book for you! Just memorize the appropriate Telecosmograms provided here, project your message every day, and before long your special dreams will be fulfilled through your new knowledge.