The pen of Chris Bellows, mind sexually demented, has created a place...location unknown... where wealthy sadists rule and deserving masochists submit. Nusquam � where subjugants offer themselves for a lifetime of pain, humiliation and unending degradation, never to again see the vanilla world. The members of this unique community of sadists visit... to frolic... to bask in perversity... and to en...
Chris Bellows - Nusquam
Chris Bellows
The pen of Chris Bellows, mind sexually demented, has created a place...location unknown... where wealthy sadists rule and deserving masochists submit. Nusquam � where subjugants offer themselves for a lifetime of pain, humiliation and unending degradation, never to again see the vanilla world. The members of this unique community of sadists visit... to frolic... to bask in perversity... and to entertain themselves in unbridled debauchery.