The tall, young Texan had gambled, fought, and killed in every town from Montana to Mexico. He'd been in plenty of places where there was no law, but this little hell-hole was the worst. Jard Hardman and his son Dick were the law. They owned the marshal and used him to rob the town blind. These were the men Panhandle Smith had come to find - and destroy. Pan had bluffed them once, but the young gu...
Zane Grey - Valley of Wild Horses
Valley of Wild Horses
Zane Grey
The tall, young Texan had gambled, fought, and killed in every town from Montana to Mexico. He'd been in plenty of places where there was no law, but this little hell-hole was the worst. Jard Hardman and his son Dick were the law. They owned the marshal and used him to rob the town blind. These were the men Panhandle Smith had come to find - and destroy. Pan had bluffed them once, but the young gunfighter knew that this time they would call him!