The story follows the journey of Allan Quatermain, a skilled hunter and explorer, who sets out to find his brother, who has gone missing while searching for a lost white race. Allan's journey takes him deep into the heart of Africa, where he encounters dangerous wildlife, treacherous terrain, and warring tribes. Along the way, he befriends a native named Babemba, who helps him navigate the unfamil...
H. Rider Haggard - A Yellow God
A Yellow God
An Idol of Africa
H. Rider Haggard
Mô tả
The story follows the journey of Allan Quatermain, a skilled hunter and explorer, who sets out to find his brother, who has gone missing while searching for a lost white race. Allan's journey takes him deep into the heart of Africa, where he encounters dangerous wildlife, treacherous terrain, and warring tribes. Along the way, he befriends a native named Babemba, who helps him navigate the unfamiliar landscape and navigate the complex social and political dynamics of the region. "A Yellow God: An Idol of Africa" is a classic adventure novel that blends suspense, action, and mystery, all set against the backdrop of a vibrant and complex continent. It is a thrilling read that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.