"The Overcoat" follows the life of Akaky Akakievich, a low-ranking civil servant, who leads a mundane existence. When he decides to invest in a new overcoat, his life takes an unexpected turn. The story delves into themes of social inequality, bureaucracy, and the impact of material possessions on an individual's identity, with Gogol's signature blend of humor and poignant social commentary....
Nikolai Gogol - The Overcoat
The Overcoat
Nikolai Gogol
Mô tả
"The Overcoat" follows the life of Akaky Akakievich, a low-ranking civil servant, who leads a mundane existence. When he decides to invest in a new overcoat, his life takes an unexpected turn. The story delves into themes of social inequality, bureaucracy, and the impact of material possessions on an individual's identity, with Gogol's signature blend of humor and poignant social commentary.