A Holiday Romance is a collection of four short interconnected stories written from the point of view of four children. The children are on holiday and are living out their fantasies, which come from all manner of adventure and romance stories and involve everything from weddings to courts martial, to pass the time. With this work, Dickens seeks not only to entertain but to advocate for freedom of...
Charles Dickens - Holiday Romance
Holiday Romance
Charles Dickens
Mô tả
A Holiday Romance is a collection of four short interconnected stories written from the point of view of four children. The children are on holiday and are living out their fantasies, which come from all manner of adventure and romance stories and involve everything from weddings to courts martial, to pass the time. With this work, Dickens seeks not only to entertain but to advocate for freedom of imagination and fancy.
Super cute book written from the perspective of very imaginative children. Quite fun and still Dickens-esque.