The story is set in the small, fictional town of Whilomville, New York. An African-American coachman named Henry Johnson, who is employed by the town's physician, Dr. Trescott, becomes horribly disfigured after he saves Trescott's son from a fire. When Henry is branded a monster by the town's residents, Trescott vows to shelter and care for him, resulting in his family's exclusion from the communi...
Stephen Crane - The Monster and Other Stories
The Monster and Other Stories
Stephen Crane
Mô tả
The story is set in the small, fictional town of Whilomville, New York. An African-American coachman named Henry Johnson, who is employed by the town's physician, Dr. Trescott, becomes horribly disfigured after he saves Trescott's son from a fire. When Henry is branded a monster by the town's residents, Trescott vows to shelter and care for him, resulting in his family's exclusion from the community.