Proof of the Riemann Hypothesis PDF
We prove the Riemann Hypothesis by studying the behavior of a holomorphic function which has the same non-trivial zeros as the Riemann zeta function.Marcello Colozzo, a graduate in Physics, has been involved in online teaching of Mathematics and Physics since 2008 through the Extra Byte website where "simulations" are performed in the Mathematica computing environment. In recent years he has publi...

Marcello Colozzo - Proof of the Riemann Hypothesis

Proof of the Riemann Hypothesis

Marcello Colozzo

Google Play

Pubblicato da
StreetLib eBooks

17 giu 2023


We prove the Riemann Hypothesis by studying the behavior of a holomorphic function which has the same non-trivial zeros as the Riemann zeta function.Marcello Colozzo, a graduate in Physics, has been involved in online teaching of Mathematics and Physics since 2008 through the Extra Byte website where "simulations" are performed in the Mathematica computing environment. In recent years he has published various articles on mathematical physics and collaborates with the Electronic Open Source magazine. An avid reader of cyberpunk fiction, he has attempted to transition into "cyber writer" status by publishing various anthologies of short stories.

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