Medicine is not a science, but the art of healing. This is not intended to be a reductive concept, but an extensive one. The sciences are those aspects of human activities related to knowledge that is experienced in the most varied fields, with the aim of observing, quantifying, measuring, verifying. Mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science are therefore sciences. Medicine draws ...
Vincenzo Ercole Valesi - Reflections on Cancer
Reflections on Cancer
Vincenzo Ercole Valesi
Medicine is not a science, but the art of healing. This is not intended to be a reductive concept, but an extensive one. The sciences are those aspects of human activities related to knowledge that is experienced in the most varied fields, with the aim of observing, quantifying, measuring, verifying. Mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science are therefore sciences. Medicine draws useful information from all these activities of knowledge and integrates them to give a loving response to human suffering. You can’t love science if you don’t love man (Hippocrates). Medicine does not want and cannot defeat death, for a simple reason: that death is not evil.Vincenzo Ercole Valesi