"The Murder on the Links" (also known as "Help, Poirot") is a detective novel written and published by Agatha Christie in 1923. The work tells the story of the famous Belgian investigator Hercule Poirot. Poirot is invited to travel to France to protect a man threatened by a stranger. The protagonist, however, on his arrival receives a disturbing news: the man who was supposed to protect ,was murd...
Agatha Christie - The Murder on the Links
The Murder on the Links
Agatha Christie
"The Murder on the Links" (also known as "Help, Poirot") is a detective novel written and published by Agatha Christie in 1923. The work tells the story of the famous Belgian investigator Hercule Poirot. Poirot is invited to travel to France to protect a man threatened by a stranger. The protagonist, however, on his arrival receives a disturbing news: the man who was supposed to protect ,was murdered ...