Chaos In Paradise PDF
In this futuristic fantasy, Teagan wanders from the crude, chaotic anarchy of the South to the pristine Utopian north, a place that promises peace and justice. She unwittingly falls in love with a man who befriends her in her new home, and she'sswept into the beauty and treachery of this master's domain, a world with a menacing dark side as lustfilled as her homeland. Surrender is inevitable. Litt...

Lizbeth Dusseau - Chaos In Paradise

Chaos In Paradise

Lizbeth Dusseau

Google Play

Publicado por
Pink Flamingo



In this futuristic fantasy, Teagan wanders from the crude, chaotic anarchy of the South to the pristine Utopian north, a place that promises peace and justice. She unwittingly falls in love with a man who befriends her in her new home, and she'sswept into the beauty and treachery of this master's domain, a world with a menacing dark side as lustfilled as her homeland. Surrender is inevitable. Little does she know, however, that Keven is no commoner, but a titled nobleman and high priest. When she discovers his true identity, she tries to flee, but can�t. He has her bound by a love and a desire for the extremes of sexual pleasure he offers.

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