Norvell - Mystical Power of Universal Healing
Mystical Power of Universal Healing
Norvell, David De Angelis
In this remarkable book Norvell discloses the actual healing secrets of the world's greatest metaphysicians! Here are instant remedies that he says you can use to quickly:Heal Scores of Agonizing Ailments!Restore Youthful Health and Vitality!Prevent Recurring Illness!Alleviate the pain of Chronic Disorders!Build Immunity to Infectious Disease!Increase Longevity!and much, much more!Now you can discover the miraculous powers of instantaneous healing. says Norvell. Step-by-step, he tells how you can quickly harness the mystical forces of Cosmic Tele-rays, which he claims can heal scores of agonizing ailments and chronic disorders... restore youthful health and longevity prevent recurring illness... alleviate pain and disconfort and fill your cells with radiant life energy that can keep you functioning perfectly for one hundred years or more!PARTIAL OUTLINE OF CONTENTS1. UNIVERSAL HEALING: THE KEY TO RADIANT HEALTH AND LONG LIFE2. HOW TO CHANNEL UNIVERSAL MIND POWER THROUGH YOUR PSYCHIC CENTERS FOR PER FECT HEALING3. THE SEVEN UNIVERSAL HEALING RAYS THAT WORK MIRACLES FOR YOU4. UNIVERSAL TELE-RAY POWER TO OVERCOME HEART DISEASE5. UNIVERSAL HEALING THROUGH MYSTICAL TELETRANCE POWER6. THE MYSTERIOUS POWER OF UNIVERSAL HEALING MEDITATIONS TO HEAL ALL FORMS OF SICKNESS7. UNIVERSAL ANESTHESIA TO REMOVE PAIN AND HEAL SICKNESS8. HOW TO USE THE SUBCONSCIOUS, MIND TO ACHIEVE UNIVERSAL HEALING9. SPIRITUAL HIBERNATION: THE ANCIENT SECRET FOR USING UNIVERSAL POWER TO HEAL SICKNESS10. HOW TO USE UNIVERSAL HEAL ING TO OVERCOME NERVOUS AILMENTS11. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND MUSCULAR AILMENTS YIELD TO UNIVERSAL HEALING TECHNIQUES12. UNIVERSAL HEALING OF SMOKING, ALCOHOLISM, DRUG ADDIC TION AND OTHER BAD HABITS13. HOW TO TAP THE UNIVERSAL FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH TO KEEP YOURSELF YOUNG14. UNIVERSAL HEALING OF STOMACH AND DIGESTIVE DIS ORDERS WITH MEDITATION AND RELAXATION TECHNIQUES15. HOW TO PROJECT UNIVERSAL HEALING TREATMENTS TO FAMILY AND FRIENDSABOUT THE AUTHORFor more than 35 years, NORVELL has traveled to all parts of the globe, investigating occult and psychic phenomena, and lecturing on mystic philosophy, metaphysical healing, and extra sensory perception. Recognized as one of the nation's leading psychics, he is an authority in the field of parapsychology and his studies and research have been conducted in universities and occult libraries in England, India and Greece.Advisor to scores of motion picture stars, this master psychic, has spent many years in search of a lasting remedy to man's greatest enemy... disease. Now-in this remarkable book, he shares this arcane knowledge with you!