George Saoulidis - Machimagic
An Illustrated Short Story Collection
George Saoulidis
#Inktober2018 Prompts Turned to Art
This collection contains short stories inspired by the word prompts and the daily sketches of two artists.
Stories included:
Mecha-Chicken Race
Sweet, Hot Taffy
Have You Tried Turning Her Off and On Again?
Come and Get It
Berenice’s Hair
Closely Guarded Secret
The Veil
Fluffy or Shiny?
Explosive Decompression
Welcome to the Asterism
Sir Patrick and the Mermaid
The Redjus
Generations of Gold
A Trillion-Dollar Rock
Messenger in a Bottle
Some stories are sci-fi, some are fantasy, and some are even based on mythology. The important thing is that these are all inspired by the daily sketches made by philtomato and bloodsplach. One sketch per day, one story per day.
The result is the collection you’re reading right now. It’s black and white, it’s raw, it leaves ink stains on your fingers.