Frank Channing Haddock - POWER FOR SUCCESS
How to increase personal magnetism and etheric power for unlimited success
Frank Channing Haddock, David De Angelis
THIS BOOK instructs in the training of the personality in certain definite respects. Its methods are direct and practical. They follow closely everyday experience, and involve simply yourself, your powers and your environment.In a certain sense, every soul is a BATTERY . To care for this, to develop its capacity, to adjust it to its surroundings, by it to receive and discharge EFFECTIVE FORCE for practical undertakings, these are the most important factors in the high art of right living.
The lessons that follow these introductory pages deal with one aim, the best handling of the BATTERY in Success-Magnetism, which is at once a goal, a means, and a POWER.Success-Magnetism is governed by LAW. It can only be developed by single-hearted obedience to the principles of psychic and physical reality and adjustment.