The Mysterious Island PDF
"The Mysterious Island" is a novel by Jules Verne, published in 1874. The plot focuses on the adventures of five Americans on an uncharted island in the South Pacific. Jules Gabriel Verne (8 February 1828 – 24 March 1905) was a French novelist, poet, and playwright best known for his adventure novels and his profound influence on the literary genre of science fiction. Translator: Frederic Amadeu...

Jules Verne - The Mysterious Island

The Mysterious Island

Jules Verne

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Published by
StreetLib eBooks

17 Jan 2020


"The Mysterious Island" is a novel by Jules Verne, published in 1874.
The plot focuses on the adventures of five Americans on an uncharted island in the South Pacific.

Jules Gabriel Verne (8 February 1828 – 24 March 1905) was a French novelist, poet, and playwright best known for his adventure novels and his profound influence on the literary genre of science fiction.

Frederic Amadeus Malleson

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