Born in the dawn of man's history, Amara is neither human nor vampire and yet fully both; a killer, a child, a lover, a monster.Wandering the world, she seeks redemption and vengeance in equal measure. Discovering love in its many forms and loss in its deepest agony, her life circles around two others who return to her again and again, until their fates are set right."The ancient game is played ou...
Natalie J. Case - Forever
Natalie J. Case
Born in the dawn of man's history, Amara is neither human nor vampire and yet fully both; a killer, a child, a lover, a monster.Wandering the world, she seeks redemption and vengeance in equal measure. Discovering love in its many forms and loss in its deepest agony, her life circles around two others who return to her again and again, until their fates are set right."The ancient game is played out as three souls, born together in the lost pages of time, are as they were meant to be. But to tell that story, my story, I must go back to the beginning. To the time before I came to be.Before any of us had come to be."