The Way of the Lord PDF
If we seek to find true life, we need to walk in the ways of God's Kingdom. We need to seek the Kingdom above all else. We can only walk in the manifested reality and glory of the Kingdom once we walk by Spirit, implying surrendering first our kingdom, laying down our crown and denying the Self. If we seek His Kingdom, then our kingdom (our ways, agendas, ideas) needs to be surrendered. What we be...

Riaan Engelbrecht - The Way of the Lord

The Way of the Lord

Part One

Riaan Engelbrecht

Google Play

Published by
StreetLib eBooks

13 May 2024


If we seek to find true life, we need to walk in the ways of God's Kingdom. We need to seek the Kingdom above all else. We can only walk in the manifested reality and glory of the Kingdom once we walk by Spirit, implying surrendering first our kingdom, laying down our crown and denying the Self. If we seek His Kingdom, then our kingdom (our ways, agendas, ideas) needs to be surrendered. What we believe to be truth, to be the right way, or the correct path, needs to be surrendered as we seek the true way of the Lord, which is the Way of the Kingdom. Jesus said He is the Way, Truth and Life, meaning He is the WAY of the Kingdom, and if we seek the Kingdom then we need to follow the Lord Jesus in spirit and truth. For then we shall walk in God's order and His will. We are called by Jesus to walk the narrow road, to deny the Self, to take up the Cross and to love the Lord above all. There is no other way except in Jesus for sustained life in spirit, soul and body. Not the way of money. Not the way of status or power. We need to know and discern the ways of the Lord and to follow His path which leads to quiet rivers and green pastures. In God, there is hope, joy and love. As we follow Him, we follow the way to spiritual peace, belonging and restoration.

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