Fearing the Unknown PDF
"Fearing the Unknown" is a chilling thriller that follows a group of friends on a camping trip who stumble upon a hidden cabin inhabited by a group of cannibals. As they become ensnared in the horrifying world of murder and cannibalism, they must fight to survive against the sinister forces lurking in the woods. The story delves into themes of fear, survival, and the darkness that lies within huma...

Karen Rotella Lewis - Fearing the Unknown

Fearing the Unknown

Karen Rotella Lewis

Google Play

Published by
StreetLib eBooks



"Fearing the Unknown" is a chilling thriller that follows a group of friends on a camping trip who stumble upon a hidden cabin inhabited by a group of cannibals. As they become ensnared in the horrifying world of murder and cannibalism, they must fight to survive against the sinister forces lurking in the woods. The story delves into themes of fear, survival, and the darkness that lies within human nature, keeping readers on the edge of their seats until the shocking conclusion.

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