Behind the Smiles tells the story of Nene, a teenage girl from the slum, who worked blue-collar jobs with her mother to put food on their table.Her glittering academic prowess made her dream of a future she thought impossible until the doors of Royal Bliss Academy swung open.A scholarship, her only hope of a degree, came with a heavy prize: the fate of the school fell on her shoulders and that of ...
Joy Chidera Ezugwu - Behind the Smiles
Behind the Smiles
Joy Chidera Ezugwu
Behind the Smiles tells the story of Nene, a teenage girl from the slum, who worked blue-collar jobs with her mother to put food on their table.Her glittering academic prowess made her dream of a future she thought impossible until the doors of Royal Bliss Academy swung open.A scholarship, her only hope of a degree, came with a heavy prize: the fate of the school fell on her shoulders and that of another. They must win a competition or she would pay the ultimate prize.