"Akif Learns About Iman" series is made up of the conversations between a young boy named Akif, who is curious about the facts of iman, and his grandfather Abdullah, who gladly and carefully answers his questions.
The third book in the series titled "Believing in the Books" seeks to inform our children on the holy books and nurture feelings of love for the Qur'an in their hearts.
Akif deeply enj...
Ahmet Efe - Akif Learns About Iman - Believing in the Books
Akif Learns About Iman - Believing in the Books
Ahmet Efe
"Akif Learns About Iman" series is made up of the conversations between a young boy named Akif, who is curious about the facts of iman, and his grandfather Abdullah, who gladly and carefully answers his questions.
The third book in the series titled "Believing in the Books" seeks to inform our children on the holy books and nurture feelings of love for the Qur'an in their hearts.
Akif deeply enjoys listening to his grandfather read the Qur'an. He asks him questions about what kind of a book the Qur'an is and when it was sent down. He learns important things about believing in the holy books. He wants to be able to read the Qur'an just like his grandfather and understand the verses that he reads.