"This story is a work of fiction, seen through the eyes of a black individual who has experienced the wrath and witnessed the hate in the eyes of a white officer. In America, there is a pledge to protect and serve all individuals, an oath to uphold the constitution and treat everyone equally. Therefore, I chose to interview ten black men at a bustling stop, waiting for their orders to be served. A...
James Mcenge - No Reasons to Die
No Reasons to Die
James Mcenge
"This story is a work of fiction, seen through the eyes of a black individual who has experienced the wrath and witnessed the hate in the eyes of a white officer. In America, there is a pledge to protect and serve all individuals, an oath to uphold the constitution and treat everyone equally. Therefore, I chose to interview ten black men at a bustling stop, waiting for their orders to be served. Among those ten men, two shared positive experiences."