Dropboy is a series of books where the title character that becomes liquid, gets involved in many adventures. He defends his friends Andy, Takao, Anny and Roa from the fumbling villain Doc Folly, his henchman Roig and the blue bats Frit and Frat. Are many action-packed adventures with a unique message: friendship above all else....
Ricardo Garay - Dropboy Series- vol. 1
Dropboy Series- vol. 1
Ricardo Garay
Dropboy is a series of books where the title character that becomes liquid, gets involved in many adventures. He defends his friends Andy, Takao, Anny and Roa from the fumbling villain Doc Folly, his henchman Roig and the blue bats Frit and Frat. Are many action-packed adventures with a unique message: friendship above all else.