Darkness Descends PDF
It is time for the Church to wake up and wake up fast!  The world is slipping into spiritual darkness, and this is a very slippery slope yet it seems the spiritual watchmen – the believers in the Lord – are not raising an alarm on the hills.  We are dangerously ignoring Ezekiel 33 which speaks of the watchmen who should be alert to the dangers that come against the Truth.  This is the same danger ...

Riaan Engelbrecht - Darkness Descends

Darkness Descends

Riaan Engelbrecht

Google Play

Published by
StreetLib eBooks

31 Jan 2023


It is time for the Church to wake up and wake up fast!  The world is slipping into spiritual darkness, and this is a very slippery slope yet it seems the spiritual watchmen – the believers in the Lord – are not raising an alarm on the hills.  We are dangerously ignoring Ezekiel 33 which speaks of the watchmen who should be alert to the dangers that come against the Truth.  This is the same danger that is threatening to envelop the Church from the inside, for the insidious nature of the enemy’s strategy and plots to steal and deceive is going on unchecked.  The spiritual realm is more real than the natural and the principalities and authorities of darkness have one plan which is to draw the world – Christian alike – into its web and snare. It is like a huge spider waiting and waiting and waiting and it waves its magic like the Sirens of Greek Mythology. For once caught in this world, drawn by intrigue and by the allure of innocence and excitement, then the trap is sprung and getting out becomes more and more difficult. The enemy is real and he is very active. And in this time as spiritual darkness descends on the world, we need to shine the light of Christ to pierce the blackness of deception and enslavement!

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