These three interwoven, interconnected tales have been expertly pieced together, so that they create a world like none other. As two tribes discover fire for the very first time, they must come to terms with the fact that it has brought them some thing beyond just a simple gift.This actually might end up being a curse. After all, fire has brought them in to a new age. A different age. An age… In w...
Giuseppe Cristiano - Fires of The Past
Fires of The Past
Three Tales of Cave Life
Giuseppe Cristiano
These three interwoven, interconnected tales have been expertly pieced together, so that they create a world like none other. As two tribes discover fire for the very first time, they must come to terms with the fact that it has brought them some thing beyond just a simple gift.This actually might end up being a curse. After all, fire has brought them in to a new age. A different age. An age… In which they have new wants. In which they have new needs, new desires.The problem is, these desires might not be some thing that they wanted to end with. They might be far fouler than the burning heat of the fires ever could have been.