Department of State and United States - Colored Troops in the French Army / A Report from the Department of State Relating to the / Colored Troops in the French Army and the Number of French / Colonial Troops in the Occupied Territory
Colored Troops in the French Army / A Report from the Department of State Relating to the / Colored Troops in the French Army and the Number of French / Colonial Troops in the Occupied Territory
Department of State and United States
Department of State,
Washington, February 14, 1921.
Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge,
United States Senate.
Sir: In response to an informal request made by your secretary of Mr. Bliss, of this department, on February 12, 1921, I have the honor to inclose for your consideration and that of your committee a copy of a letter, with its inclosures which I wrote to Mr. Porter, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House, on the subject of French black troops on the Rhine; also a copy of a later letter to Mr. Porter, with its inclosure, a copy of a telegram from Mr. Wallace, giving the latest figures as to the number of French colonial troops now in the occupied territory.
I have the honor to be, sir,
Your obedient servant,
Norman H. Davis,
Acting Secretary.