Crumbling PDF
Crumbling: A Story of Love, Betrayal, and Divorce" is a gripping tale of a young doctor, Hector Tommy Jones, whose world is turned upside down when he discovers his wife's infidelity. As he struggles to come to terms with the unraveling of his marriage, Hector is faced with the harsh realities of life, love, and relationships. This novel delves into the complexities of human emotions and relations...

Jim Miller - Crumbling


A Story Of Love Betrayal And Divorce

Jim Miller

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StreetLib eBooks



Crumbling: A Story of Love, Betrayal, and Divorce" is a gripping tale of a young doctor, Hector Tommy Jones, whose world is turned upside down when he discovers his wife's infidelity. As he struggles to come to terms with the unraveling of his marriage, Hector is faced with the harsh realities of life, love, and relationships. This novel delves into the complexities of human emotions and relationships as Hector navigates through the ups and downs of his personal and professional life. With relatable characters and a compelling plot, "Crumbling" is a thought-provoking and emotional read that will leave you questioning the very nature of love and commitment.

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