Nova Terra PDF
Earth's first space colony is in crisis. All but 16 of its 128 men have been rendered infertile in-flight to the planet they call Nova Terra. To save their future, the 128 women agree to be impregnated by the remaining 16 "sperm-fathers", and each man agrees to impregnate 32 different women. The relationships and traditions of this new colony change in response, but when their kids grow up, they h...

M.R. Leenysman - Nova Terra

Nova Terra

M.R. Leenysman

Google Play

Published by
StreetLib eBooks

24 Aug 2021


Earth's first space colony is in crisis. All but 16 of its 128 men have been rendered infertile in-flight to the planet they call Nova Terra. To save their future, the 128 women agree to be impregnated by the remaining 16 "sperm-fathers", and each man agrees to impregnate 32 different women. The relationships and traditions of this new colony change in response, but when their kids grow up, they have quite a different opinion.

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