In this exciting novel, 14- year old JJ finds himself trapped in a dark, mysterious world where his biggest fears are used against him by a dark – trickster named Case. Case wants to stop JJ from discovering the amazing powers of the golden cane. While trapped in the dark world, JJ meets a new friend who has special powers from her strangely large fans. Together, they must work together as they fa...
Donslow Brown - Warriors of Truth: The Cane
Warriors of Truth: The Cane
Donslow Brown
In this exciting novel, 14- year old JJ finds himself trapped in a dark, mysterious world where his biggest fears are used against him by a dark – trickster named Case. Case wants to stop JJ from discovering the amazing powers of the golden cane. While trapped in the dark world, JJ meets a new friend who has special powers from her strangely large fans. Together, they must work together as they face scary obstacles, confront Case and somehow find their way back home.