The Billionaire and the Wild Man PDF
Flynn Gifford is enjoying a simple existence in a rural Derbyshire village when Caroline Rogers crashes into his life, barefoot and panicked.Their lives could hardly be more different—she owns a successful luxury hotel chain, and he’s a penniless nomad who’s off the grid—yet neither can deny the attraction that burns between them. As Caroline reluctantly starts to open up to him, Flynn finds himse...

Lucy Felthouse - The Billionaire and the Wild Man

The Billionaire and the Wild Man

A M/F Erotic Romance Novel

Lucy Felthouse, Victoria Blisse

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Published by
StreetLib eBooks



Flynn Gifford is enjoying a simple existence in a rural Derbyshire village when Caroline Rogers crashes into his life, barefoot and panicked.Their lives could hardly be more different—she owns a successful luxury hotel chain, and he’s a penniless nomad who’s off the grid—yet neither can deny the attraction that burns between them. As Caroline reluctantly starts to open up to him, Flynn finds himself divulging some secrets of his own, secrets he thought he’d take to his grave.But can a billionaire and a wild man ever make a relationship work, or will their secrets keep them apart?

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