Little Wizard Stories of Oz is a set of six short stories written for young children by L. Frank Baum, the creator of the Oz books. The six tales were published in separate small booklets, "Oz books in miniature," in 1913, and then in a collected edition in 1914. Each booklet is 29 pages long, and printed in blue ink rather than black....
L. Frank Baum - Little Wizard Stories of Oz
Little Wizard Stories of Oz
L. Frank Baum
Little Wizard Stories of Oz is a set of six short stories written for young children by L. Frank Baum, the creator of the Oz books. The six tales were published in separate small booklets, "Oz books in miniature," in 1913, and then in a collected edition in 1914. Each booklet is 29 pages long, and printed in blue ink rather than black.