"Your thought is strong and is potent beyond measure, but when you assume the 'wanting' attitude, although you do most certainly attract, it is nothing like the powerful attraction formed by your quiet, confident attitude of absolute conviction that the thing wants you. The attitude of desire is strong, but the attitude of certainty - of possession - which this new thought makes possible is wonder...
Henry Harrison Brown - Dollars Want Me
Dollars Want Me
The new road to Opulence (Premium Ebook)
Henry Harrison Brown
"Your thought is strong and is potent beyond measure, but when you assume the 'wanting' attitude, although you do most certainly attract, it is nothing like the powerful attraction formed by your quiet, confident attitude of absolute conviction that the thing wants you. The attitude of desire is strong, but the attitude of certainty - of possession - which this new thought makes possible is wonderful, and a veritable tower of strength; it has made things possible to me that were quite out of the question before."