The story follows a young man named Stephen Somers, who travels to Africa in search of his missing brother, who was last known to be exploring a mysterious kingdom called Kôr. Stephen is accompanied by his friend and fellow adventurer Allan Quatermain, and they are aided by a local African guide named Zikali, who is known as "The Wizard." As they journey deeper into the heart of Africa, Stephen an...
H. Rider Haggard - The Wizard
The Wizard
H. Rider Haggard
The story follows a young man named Stephen Somers, who travels to Africa in search of his missing brother, who was last known to be exploring a mysterious kingdom called Kôr. Stephen is accompanied by his friend and fellow adventurer Allan Quatermain, and they are aided by a local African guide named Zikali, who is known as "The Wizard." As they journey deeper into the heart of Africa, Stephen and Allan encounter many dangers, including hostile tribes, dangerous wildlife, and treacherous terrain. Along the way, they learn more about Zikali's powers and his connection to the people of Kôr, who are rumored to possess great wealth and advanced technology.