"An American Tragedy" is a novel by Theodore Dreiser, published in 1925. The book tells the story of Clyde Griffiths, a young man from a working-class background who aspires to rise above his station in life. Through a series of events, Clyde's ambition leads him to commit a heinous crime, ultimately resulting in his downfall. The novel is a powerful commentary on the American Dream and the corrup...
Theodore Dreiser - An American Tragedy
An American Tragedy
Theodore Dreiser
"An American Tragedy" is a novel by Theodore Dreiser, published in 1925. The book tells the story of Clyde Griffiths, a young man from a working-class background who aspires to rise above his station in life. Through a series of events, Clyde's ambition leads him to commit a heinous crime, ultimately resulting in his downfall. The novel is a powerful commentary on the American Dream and the corrupting nature of ambition. It is considered a classic of American literature and is often compared to F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" for its exploration of the American psyche in the early 20th century.