Hilaire Belloc (1870-1953) was a prolific writer and historian of the early twentieth century. He wrote the introductory article for “The Footpath Way: An Anthology for Walkers,” published in 1911, which contains a variety of articles from prominent literati on the topic of walkers and the pleasures of traveling by foot so as to better enjoy the scenery and the peoples encountered along the way. C...
Walt Whitman - The Footpath Way
The Footpath Way
An Anthology for Walkers
Walt Whitman, William Hazlitt, Hilaire Belloc, Charles Dickens, John Burroughs, William Wordsworth, George Borrow, John Brown, Leslie Stephen, Izaak Walton, Scott, Walter, Sir, 1771, Sydney Smith, Robert Louis Stevenson, Thomas De Quincey, Henry David Thoreau
Hilaire Belloc (1870-1953) was a prolific writer and historian of the early twentieth century. He wrote the introductory article for “The Footpath Way: An Anthology for Walkers,” published in 1911, which contains a variety of articles from prominent literati on the topic of walkers and the pleasures of traveling by foot so as to better enjoy the scenery and the peoples encountered along the way. Contributors include: George Borrow, John Brown, John Burroughs, Thomas De Quincey, Charles Dickens, William Hazlitt, Sir Walter Scott, Sydney Smith, Leslie Stephen, Robert Louis Stevenson, Henry David Thoreau, Izaak Walton, Walt Whitman, and William Wordsworth.