The story follows unconventional love and marriage of a young girl, Masha aged 17, and the much older Sergey Mikhaylych , an old family friend. The story is narrated by Masha. After a courtship that has the trappings of a mere family friendship, Masha's love grows and expands until she can no longer contain it. She reveals it to Sergey Mikhaylych and discovers that he also is deeply in love....
Leo Tolstoy - Family Happiness
Family Happiness
Leo Tolstoy
The story follows unconventional love and marriage of a young girl, Masha aged 17, and the much older Sergey Mikhaylych , an old family friend. The story is narrated by Masha. After a courtship that has the trappings of a mere family friendship, Masha's love grows and expands until she can no longer contain it. She reveals it to Sergey Mikhaylych and discovers that he also is deeply in love.