The Crock of Gold (1912) is a rich blend of Irish mythology, philosophy, and fantasy. The novel follows several eccentric characters, including two philosophers and a goddess, as they navigate a world where magic and reality coexist. The story weaves together humorous and satirical elements, allegorical reflections on life and society, and whimsical Irish folklore.James Stephens (9 February 1880 –...
James Stephens - The Crock of Gold
The Crock of Gold
James Stephens
The Crock of Gold (1912) is a rich blend of Irish mythology, philosophy, and fantasy. The novel follows several eccentric characters, including two philosophers and a goddess, as they navigate a world where magic and reality coexist. The story weaves together humorous and satirical elements, allegorical reflections on life and society, and whimsical Irish folklore.James Stephens (9 February 1880 – 26 December 1950) was an Irish novelist and poet.