Island Nights' Entertainments (also known as South Sea Tales) is a collection of short stories by Robert Louis Stevenson, first published in 1893. It would prove to contain some of his final completed work before his death in 1894.
The Beach of Falesá
A south sea bridal
The Ban
The Missionary
Night in the bush
The Bottle Imp
The Isle of voices...
Robert Louis Stevenson - Island Nights' Entertainments
Island Nights' Entertainments
Robert Louis Stevenson
Island Nights' Entertainments (also known as South Sea Tales) is a collection of short stories by Robert Louis Stevenson, first published in 1893. It would prove to contain some of his final completed work before his death in 1894.
The Beach of Falesá
A south sea bridal
The Ban
The Missionary
Night in the bush
The Bottle Imp
The Isle of voices