A novel about one of the largest land deals in history, the Alaska purchase.In 1866, the failed assassination of Alexander II unfolds a series of events that coerces him into selling Alaska to the United States a year later. Meanwhile, Native Alaskans are stuck between the changing order. Some try to fit in while others attempt to fight back. Further south, in a deeply polarized post-Civil War Ame...
Craig Britton - Forty-Ninth
Craig Britton, Boris Pronsky
A novel about one of the largest land deals in history, the Alaska purchase.In 1866, the failed assassination of Alexander II unfolds a series of events that coerces him into selling Alaska to the United States a year later. Meanwhile, Native Alaskans are stuck between the changing order. Some try to fit in while others attempt to fight back. Further south, in a deeply polarized post-Civil War America, the plans of President Johnson conflict with his Secretary of State's ambition to acquire Alaska. An approaching impeachment pressures Johnson to attempt to sabotage the deal. Behind closed doors, however, a powerful banking family is awaiting a long overdue payment from the Russians, but there is only so much gold to go around.